
Who i am




May Makhzoumi, maiden name “Naamani”, was born in August 1952, in Beirut Lebanon, married to MP Fouad Makhzoumi. Have three children, Rami (1977-2011), Tamara (1982) and Camellia(1986).

Languages: Arabic    English    French(Fair)

Experience: Management, administration, HR, PR, Philanthropy, NGO, CSR, CG, Family Businesses Governance, UN SDGs (Sustainable Goals).

Hobbies:  Reading, Walking, Art, Theatre.



Received the Lebanese Baccalaureate Part 1, Scientific, in 1970, from Al Makassed School, and in 1971, received the Lebanese Baccalaureate Part II, Experimental Sciences, from the International College in Beirut (IC). In 1975, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the American University of Beirut(AUB).


The Institute for Philanthropy- The Philanthropy Workshop Certificate 2009


My bio


2000 - Present

Member, Board of Directors of several Future Group Companies.

2001 - 2013

Director Future Pipe Ltd., London, UK.

2000 - Present

President, Makhzoumi Foundation.

1997 – 2000

Vice-President, Makhzoumi Foundation, Lebanon.

1992 – Present

Chairperson, Future Management Services Ltd., London, UK.

1982 -1992

Director, Future Management Services Ltd., London, UK.

1975 – 1977
  • Pharmacist, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Pharmacist (out-patient), at King Faisal’s Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia



Women’s involvement in the world of business is an opportunity for them to better understand the issues that matter to their society and to the world in general. It has been a privilege for me to be involved in all aspects of my husband’s global business and philanthropic activities, since their inception. Amongst all, the Makhzoumi Foundation has been the greatest and the most rewarding of all the challenges I have encountered. The Foundation was established, in Lebanon in 1997, out of a strong desire to help enable fellow citizens to achieve self-dependence and improved career prospects and it has been growing eversince.

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